Mariana Viegas


High School of Arts Antonio Arroio, Lisbon.
Photography Studies at AR.CO-Art and Visual Communication Center, Lisbon.
Advanced Fine Art Studies in at AR.CO

Gulbenkian Foundation/FLAD grant to Location One, New York, in 2005.
Artist-in-residence at Egon Schiele Arts Center, Czech Republic, July to August 2004.
Braziers International Artists Workshop, U.K.
Urban life_public relations,Forum D’Art Comtemporain, Luxembourg.
Documentary Workshop at Lusofona University, Lisbon.
L’Europe D’art with Michel Semeniaco, Niort, France.

paisagem emprestada/borrowed landscape, Gal. Promontorio, Lisbon.
2001 entretanto/meanwhile, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon.
2000 montra/display, Art attack, Caldas da Rainha Museum.
água/water, Mae de Água, Lisbon.
1999 cinco/five, Kleem Café, Frankfurt, Germany.

2003 Lisbonne-Lisboa, La Villette, Paris, France.
view from room no.2, studio 1.1, London, UK and Pablo’s Birthday Art Gallery, NY, USA.
2002 Urban life_public relations, Forum D’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg.
memórias da cidade/city memories, Encontros da Imagem, Braga.
folga/day off, Quinta de Sao Miguel, Almada.
2001 caminhos/paths, Lisbon Capital of Nothing, Lisbon.
a_wave, with Richard Zenith, Maus Hábitos Gallery, Oporto.
2000 two of two, ZDB Go to Frisco, Sister Spaces, San Francisco, USA.
megastore, Armazém do Ferro, Lisbon.
A horta, DocumentArt Film Festival, Neubrandenbourg, Germany.
1999 ventura, Biennale of Artists from Europe and Mediterranean, Rome, Italy.
A horta, XDocumentary film meeting, Odivelas.
1998 Flash Back, Mitra Gallery, Lisbon.

Member of Vera Cortês Arts Agency in Lisbon.

2004 paisagem emprestada/borrowed landscape, folio.
2002 Encontros da Imagem, catalogue.
2001 entretanto/meanwhile, catalogue, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon.
Lisboa Capital do Nada, catalogue, Lisbon.
1999 Os Rostos e as Vozes da Água/The Voices and Faces of Water, book, A&A, Lisbon.
Amore di Perdizione, catalogue, Turino Film Festival, Italy.
Biennale of Artists from Europe and Mediterranean, Rome, Italy.
1996 Keep My Word Forever, book with poems by Ossip Mandelstam, A&A, Lisbon.

Museu da Imagem, Braga.
PLM Advogados Associados, Lisbon.
Portuguese Book and Library Institute, Lisbon.